Viral infections, nonhuman creatures or half-human hybrids, giant monsters, and more. Čapek, Repo! The Genetic Opera (2008), Gundam SEED, Gattaca (1997), Kaze no Tani no Naushika | Nausicaä of the Valley of the WindĪ "fusion AU" - a combination of many fictional franchises into a single chronology - based on the theme of biology. Language: English Words: 2,325 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 20 Kudos: 149. dren (splice) Find this Pin and more on Heroines of Horror by Rodbert Gundisalvus.

Splice ends on quite a jaw-dropping note, when it’s revealed that Elsa is being paid and compensated handsomely. 58K Share Save 2.2M views 5 years ago Una de las criaturas ms interesantes que pudimos ver en el cine, es Dren esta es una criatura que sale en la pelicula de Splice Experimento Mortal.

Thus, his impulsive, impassioned sex with Dren makes him feel empowered and sexy (perhaps for. The heat leaks from her fingers, her toes. Guess it just wasn’t gonna work out for Dren and Clive. Splice, the new film by Canadian director Vincenzo Natali. Moreau (1996), Orphan Black (TV), Helix, 6th Day, Clonus, The Island (2005), Forests of the Night, Blade Runner (1982), R.U.R. Dren Medical Experimentation Trauma Angst Pregnancy Summary. Horror films often play with real fears, so does this with thematizing the fear of bioengineering. O'Brien, The Crazies (1973), Altered States - Fandom, The Boys From Brazil, Firestarter - Stephen King, The Brood (1979), Jurassic Park (1993), Scanners (1981), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Comics), Deep Blue Sea (1999), Dark Angel, Doomsday (2008), Quarantine - Fandom, Splice (2009), Snow Crash - Neal Stephenson, The Island of Dr. Partly crazy scientist plays god and creates monster horror (Frankenstein, Re-Animator, Eyes without a face, Hollow Man), partly the gruesome horror of becoming parents. Works, BioShock, The Beast From 20000 Fathoms (1953), The Alligator People (1959), Prototype (Video Games), Outbreak - Fandom, Biohazard | Resident Evil (Gameverse), The Andromeda Strain, Anna to the Infinite Power (1983), Dollhouse, Mrs Frisby and the Rats of NIMH - Robert C. Now they want to use human DNA in a hybrid that could revolutionize science and medicine. Not knowing this new species called humans now lived on 'their' planet, they deci.

So I decided to took the character and giving the story a different twist. Synopsis Genetic engineers Clive Nicoli (Adrien Brody) and Elsa Kast (Sarah Polley) achieve fame by successfully splicing together the DNA of different animals to create incredible new hybrid animals. 55 Stories Sort by: Hot 1 Abducted (Kisshu X Reader) by Lots Of XReaders 30.6K 945 11 Before the Mew Mews ever banded together, the Cyniclons had arrived on Earth. Astralfrontier Fandoms: Guilty Crown, Frankenstein - Mary Shelley, Hammer Horror Films, LOVECRAFT H. To me SPLICE represents an amazing example of creature design in films.